Pack a Punch Immune Booster

Pack a Punch Immune Booster


Our Pack a Punch Immune Booster brew holds many medicinal properties.

Vitamins C & B6, powerful anti inflammatory, immune support, antioxidants, antibacterial, anti-fungal, aid digestion & boosts metabolism!

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The benefits of our ingredients?

Garlic: Hold many medicinal properties, is rich in in vitamin C that protects cells and immunity, and vitamin B6 which can assist anxiety, depression and PMS. Garlic support the kidneys and liver which detox our body.

Turmeric: Is a powerful anti-inflammatory ingredient

Ginger: Gingerol in ginger holds most of gingers medicinal properties including potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. Ginger is also good for digestion and immunity

Honey: Rich in antioxidants that protects our body against cell damage, and also has antibacterial and antifungal properties.

Cayenne Pepper: May help to boost the metabolism.
