Nutra Organics Broth

Nutra Organics Broth


A comforting, warming, gut healing power broth, full of nutrients to help you get through your cleanse.

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The benefits of our ingredients?

Beetroot: Pigments in beetroot called betalains which have anti-inflammatory properties. It also may assist the liver in detox functions.

Kale: High in immune protecting vitamins A, K and C and very high in antioxidants.

Celery: Phytochemicals in celery help to reduce blood pressure, reduce inflammation, and fight against oxidative stress. Also, good for digestion.

Spinach: Promotes skin health and immune function, and helps maintain tissue and bone health.

Lemon: Great source of vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients and antioxidants. They are especially good sources of vitamin C and folate. Lemons protect against damaging free radicals, protect the immune system, and are good for skin health

Ginger: Gingerol in ginger holds most of gingers medicinal properties including potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. Ginger is also good for digestion and immunity.

Cucumber: Have a great high-water content and help maintaining hydration levels which benefit our gut health and performance

Parsley: Parsley has antibacterial properties, and is packed with anti-oxidants that help heal and fight infection. 
